About Alt Ed
How Alternative Education Structure May Differ:
- Usually, alternative education classrooms have smaller class sizes allowing for more individualized attention.
- A wider variety of teaching methods are encouraged especially lessons including hands-on interaction and creativity.
- Non-traditional evaluation methods are usually the norm, including a largely accepted practice of no/very little homework.
- Flexible daily schedules.
- Often incorporate social, mental and emotional learning into weekly routines.
- Flexible graduation requirements.
Why Students Seek Alternative Education:
- To get ahead of traditional course requirements and outlined course work.
- Social, emotional or behavioral difficulties that make traditional high school seem overwhelming, ie. anxiety.
- Difficult life circumstances.
- Flexibility for the pursuit of interests or talents like sports, theater, dance at a state or national competitive level.
- Lack of success with traditional teaching methods resulting in low or failing grades and/or a feeling of inferiority in the classroom.
Did You Know...
The all encompassing definition of alternative education allows a variety of hosting options, public, private, charter, etc and multitude of delivery methods at physical locations, online or hybrid options. The broad spectrum of educational opportunities exists because there are no mandated requirements to earn the designation of alternative school.
It is true...
That the first alternative schools were started for troubled teens, but that could not be farther from the truth today! The reasons for seeking non-traditional paths are as unique as the students enrolled in the curriculums.
HCS is one of ONLY public school districts, in Livingston County, that offers both a physical location, brick and mortar school, as well as an online academy with alternative program options for learners!